Founded in 2010, initially under the name Negromonte & Prado Advogados, N PARTNERS sprang from the idealism of professionals who render legal services at a level of excellence and stake on the development of Brazil by stimulating the private initiative.




Tarik Ferrari Negromonte

Holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and with multidisciplinary specialization, has a Graduate degree in Real Estate Law, in addition to Graduate degrees in Labor Law from PUC and Civil Procedural Law from Damásio. Took continual education programs in Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Reorganization at FVG and Real Estate Law at FGV. Holds a specialization program in Politics and Strategy at ADESG.

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Holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and a Graduate degree in Corporate Law from INSPER. Took an extension program in Tax Accounting at IBET and Startup’s Law at INSPER. Partner responsible for the area of Corporate Law, with more than ten years of professional experience in this field.

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Real estate market dealings incites a number of disputes involving possession, property, and other related issues. We defend the interests of our clients in renewal, review, and eviction suits, contract termination and resolution…

The dynamics of the real estate market requires the entering of a number of instruments to satisfy a wide range of individual and collective interests. Our work covers the drafting, revision and negotiation of the most varied types of contracts…

Real Estate due diligence has a prevailing role in the analysis of risks and the very legal feasibility of the project related to it. It comprehends the analysis of all real estate liabilities, as well of the seller and their predecessors…

In view of the increased complexity of the real estate transactions in the past few years, the main market players have found themselves obliged to seek creative and dynamic solutions, which require answers to questions that did now exist before…

Present in the horizon line of the large- and medium-sized cities, the residential and corporate buildings are a marking figure in the lives of those living in urban centers. Verticalization is a must when it comes to using the urban soil…

An important manner of dividing the urban soil, land division is an urbanization instrument with a presence increasingly more significant in the daily life of Brazilian cities. However, dividing a piece of land into lots is not an easy task and involves a wide range of contractual, tax, environmental, urban…